4 minute read

Reprocessing IDocs in SAP ERP


IDocs are the central import and export format of SAP ERP systems. The basic structure and concepts behind IDocs can be viewed in our other article. During the inbound and outbound processing of IDocs, errors can occur, leading to IDocs getting stuck in specific error states. It is the responsibility of the designated SAP user to restart the IDoc processing. In most cases this is not done by the business department itself, but rather by a trained employee who also looks after other EDI topics in the company, for example.

The following image shows the central starting point for identifying faulty IDocs in a SAP ERP system ā€“ transaction BD87.

Selection screen of transaction BD87
Selection screen of transaction BD87

Ā© 2020. SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Used with permission of SAP SE.

With the help of this transaction it is possible to filter IDocs according to specific criteria, e.g. Show all faulty outbound DESADV since yesterday.

An IDoc always holds a specific status in an SAP ERP system. This status is defined by a status code (those interested in how the status of an IDoc can be changed can read our article about the IDoc). Depending on the state an IDoc gets stuck in, it is necessary to use different programs to reprocess the IDoc. Naturally, before doing so you must first correct the issue that is keeping the IDoc from being processed.

White Paper - EDI Integration in SAP

Reprocessing of inbound IDocs

To process inbound IDocs, the following programs can be utilised. If it is available, a program can also be called with the assigned transaction code, which is displayed in the last column.

StaĀ­tus DesĀ­criptĀ­ion ProĀ­graĀ­m CoĀ­de
51 AppliĀ­cation docĀ­ument not posĀ­ted RBDMANI2 ā€“
56 IDoc with errors added RBDAGAI2 BD84
60 Error during syntax check of IDoc (inbound) RBDSYNEI ā€“
61 Processing despite syntax error (inbound) RBDAGAI2 BD84
63 Error passing IDoc to application RBDAGAI2 BD84
64 IDoc ready to be transferred to appĀ­licaĀ­tion RBDAPP01 BD20
65 Error in ALE serĀ­vice RBDAGAI2 BD84
66 IDoc is waiting for preĀ­deceĀ­ssor IDoc (serialĀ­izatĀ­ion) RBDAPP01 BD20
69 IDoc was edited RBDAGAIE WPIE

To call a program in SAP you can use transaction SE38 as shown in the following image.

Calling a program via transaction SE38
Calling a program via transaction SE38

Ā© 2020. SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Used with permission of SAP SE.

Type the respective program name in the text field Program and start it by pressing F8.

Reprocessing outbound IDocs

To process outbound IDocs the following programs can be utilised.

StaĀ­tus DesĀ­criptĀ­ion ProĀ­gram CoĀ­de
02 Error passing data to port RBDAGAIN BD83
04 Error within control inforĀ­matĀ­ion of EDI subĀ­system RBDAGAIN BD83
05 Error during translation RBDAGAIN BD83
25 Processing despite syntax error (outbound) RBDAGAIN BD83
26 Error during syntax check of IDoc (outbound) RBDSYNEO ā€“
29 Error in ALE serĀ­vice RBDAGAIN BD83
30 IDoc ready for dispatch (ALE service) RSEOUT00 WE14
32 IDoc was edited RBDAGAIE WPIE

SAP frontends IDoc reprocessing

SAP offers two additional programs which serve as the frontend for all programs used for the processing of inbound and outbound IDocs. There are no transaction codes assigned to both of these programs, which is why they usually need to be started via transaction SE38.


By using program RBDINPUT it is possible to call different programs for the processing of inbound IDocs. The following image shows the user interface of the application.


Ā© 2020. SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Used with permission of SAP SE.


With the help of program RBDOUTPU the different programs for outbound processing of IDocs can be called. The following image shows the frontend of the program.


Ā© 2020. SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Used with permission of SAP SE.

Do you have any questions?

Do you still have any questions regarding the topic of processing IDocs in SAP ERP systems? Feel free to contact us, weā€™re always happy to help!

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SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA are the trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE or its affiliates in Germany and in several other countries. 


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