Episode 6: Optimising Retail Supply Chains
Episode summary
In this episode Will and Philipp discuss the many issues affecting retail supply chains and the steps businesses can take to improve efficiency and resilience. Topics covered include achieving increased visibility, why flexibility is key, preparing for the future and what optimisation looks like in practice.
Please see chapter timestamps on the right in case you would like to skip to a certain section. The chapters can also be found by hovering over the module and clicking on the bullet point icon.
- [2:06] What “optimisation” means
- [4:01] How retail requirements are changing
- [6:43] EDI specific changes in retail
- [09:18] The main issues facing retail businesses
- [12:16] Common EDI issues in retail
- [15:05] What retail supply chain optimisation involves
- [20:07] Supplier case study: Ottakringer
- [23:22] Retailer case study: Migros
- [26:03] “Liegl Advice”