SFTPSFTP (or Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a means of transferring files securely. SFTP uses SSH (Secure Shell) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to establish a secure tunnel to another system and transfer the data.
SGLNSGLN stands for Serialised Global Location Number. The SGLN is part of the GS1 standard system. The SGLN is a unique identifier and is used to specify the location of a product.
SHK MailSHK-Mail is a closed mail system in which registered users can exchange electronic messages with each other securely. These messages are mostly EDI messages such as orders (ORDERS), order confirmations (ORDRSP), delivery notifications (DESADV) and invoices (INVOIC).
SMPA Supplier Management Platform (SMP) is a software solution that helps companies to effectively manage and optimise their supplier relationships. By integrating EDI functionalities, an SMP enables seamless communication and collaboration with suppliers, resulting in more efficient transaction processing and improved compliance with EDI standards.
SOAPSOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is a message protocol that enables communication between decentralised elements of an application. It was developed as an intermediate language for applications with different programming languages. Through SOAP, these applications can communicate with each other over the Internet.