The Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) is a non-profit that promotes and develops global electronic business standards. OASIS aims to drive the development of industry-specific and cross-industry standards to enhance the efficiency and interoperability of business processes.
ODETTE stands for "Organisation for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europe". The group represents the interests of the European automotive industry and is the equivalent of the North American Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). With its tools and recommendations ODETTE supports the optimisation of automated document exchange along the entire value chain of the automotive industry. ODETTE is the main developer of the OFTP and OFTP2 protocols.
OFTP stands for ODETTE File Transfer Protocol. It is so-called as the protocol was specifically designed for B2B document exchange by the Organisation for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europe (ODETTE) in the mid 1980s. Two decades after the development of OFTP, the OFTP2 protocol was developed in 2007 to be used over the internet. Benefits of OFTP2 include high data security, high compression, and ease of use (as it utilises only 14 commands). Crucially, too, with OFTP2 it is possible to push and pull information rather than just pushing. Meanwhile, OFTP2 also gives the user the ability to request signed receipts, further improving data security. Today OFTP2 is widely used in the automotive industry in Europe, though is also popular across other industries, including retail, manufacturing and banking.
White paper
The Future of B2B Integration: Market Trends Report
This report presents survey results, comparisons, and expert advice on optimising B2B systems.