A Peppol Access Point (or Peppol AP) is essential for any business looking to connect to Peppol. In this article we answer a few common questions relating to Access Points and the process of getting connected to Peppol…
What is a Peppol Access Point?
A Peppol Access Point is a software, offered or owned by a company, that can connect others to the Peppol network and exchange documents via the required standards/protocols and in accordance with the necessary regulations.
Why do you need a Peppol Access Point?
Apart from becoming a Peppol Access Point yourself (which involves several complex steps), connecting to a Peppol Access Point provider is the only way to get an officially registered Peppol ID, which all Peppol participants must have in order to experience Peppol’s benefits. Without an Access Point and a Peppol ID, exchanging automated documents with your business partners via Peppol’s international e-invoicing network is impossible.
Isn’t it easier to set up an EDI connection to my partner directly?
In short, no. As we explore in more detail in our introductory video on Peppol, Peppol hugely simplifies automated document exchange for connected companies. Instead of requiring you or your provider to build an EDI (electronic data interchange) connection to your partner from scratch, Peppol utilises a four corner model and enforces the use of specific standards and protocols, meaning there is less work required for each connection. This makes partner onboarding via Peppol faster and more scalable than via classic EDI.
How do I find a Peppol Access Point?
You’ve already found one! At ecosio we are e-invoicing and Peppol experts and can help you get connected to Peppol in no time.
A full list of all certified Peppol Access Points can also be found on the Peppol website.
How do Access Points differ from one another?
Although all Peppol Access Points will enable you to connect to Peppol, not all Access Points offer the same service. For example, some providers – such as ecosio – will offer far superior API-based connectivity to your in-house ERP system and can manage both setup of partner connections and ongoing operation of e-invoicing processes.
Different Access Points are also governed by different Peppol Authorities across the globe. While all are able to connect you to Peppol, it makes sense to select an Access Point that operates in the same geographical area to you.
Further, some Access Points may be faster than others to adapt when Peppol introduces new technical requirements (e.g. the recent move to AS4).
How long does connecting to Peppol take?
Once you have chosen your preferred Access Point (something that should not be rushed), the actual connection process is fast and simple. Your provider will register a unique Peppol ID for you, whereby existing IDs such as VAT-ID or Global Location Numbers can be reused.. After this you will be able to start connecting to other Peppol-enabled partners and exchanging structured invoices etc.
Why ecosio is your perfect Peppol Access Point provider
ecosio is one of a limited number of certified Peppol Access Point providers that offers Peppol connectivity as part of a comprehensive full service package.
With a single connection to ecosio, your business can trade all relevant e-documents with hundreds of thousands of connected companies worldwide. What’s more, as we are able to handle all EDI tasks for you, from set-up right through to ongoing operation, you don’t need any in-house expertise to benefit from the savings associated with automated B2B document exchange.
To find out more, get in touch today!
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