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EDIFACT PRI Segment - Calculation Net vs. Calculation Gross

PRI segment in EDIFACT

The PRI segment is used in EDIFACT to provide price information. It is used in EDIFACT documents such as ORDERS or INVOIC. The structure of the PRI segment is as follows. The example was taken from a UN / CEFACT INVOIC D07A INVOIC.


To highlight the price type, the first composite data element 010 is rather important.


Function: To specify price information.

010    C509 PRICE INFORMATION                          C    1
       5125  Price code qualifier                      M      an..3
       5118  Price amount                              C      n..15
       5375  Price type code                           C      an..3
       5387  Price specification code                  C      an..3
       5284  Unit price basis quantity                 C      n..9
       6411  Measurement unit code                     C      an..8




This means that the gross price for 100 pieces of product xyz (not specified here, since the other segments, such as IMD, PIA, etc. are not listed) is 14.3330 Euro.

The data element 5125 can be used to define the type of price, which is then specified in the data element 5118.

The two most important Price Code qualifiers are AAA (Calculation Net) and AAB (Calculation Gross).

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Gross vs. net price

The interpretation of gross and net price in a PRI segment can easily lead to confusion.

Gross and net in this case have nothing to do with taxes. Prices are always stated in EDIFACT exclusive tax. The gross price is the regular price of a product, while the net price is the price that the customer pays.

Here the EDIFACT definition:

5125  Price code qualifier                                    [C]

Desc: Code qualifying a price.

Repr: an..3

Code Values:

AAA   Calculation net
         The price stated is the net price including allowances/
         charges. Allowances/charges may be stated for
         information only.

AAB   Calculation gross
         The price stated is the gross price to which allowances/
         charges must be applied.


Calculation Gross is therefore the price without discounts / surcharges and Calculation Net the price with discounts / surcharges.

Unfortunately, this is not universally valid. While there is agreement on discounts, the Message Implementation Guide (MIG) determines whether the net price includes surcharges or not.

For example, in the INVOIC EDILEKTRO-MIG of the German Association of Electric Wholesale (VEG) e.V. metal surcharges are explicitly not included in the net price.

Do you still have questions about EDIFACT or EDIFACT INVOIC?

Do you still have questions about EDIFACT or EDIFACT INVOIC? Please contact us or check out our chat ā€“ we are happy to help!

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