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New FatturaPA Specifications Introduced

From 1 October 2022, a new version of FatturaPA technical specifications – version 1.7.1 – will be available for use.

What has changed?

Version 1.7.1 contains several technical changes. These mainly concern e-invoicing between private businesses/individuals and do not affect public organisations.

Some of the more notable changes include…

  • The introduction of a new document type TD28 (“tipo documento”) relating to purchases from San Marino
  • New validation criteria for specific errors and document types (e.g. error 00472 for TD27 messages and error 00475 for TD28 messages)
  • A new validation relating to error 00476 (either customer or supplier, or both, must have “IT” in the fields for “Country of tax identification number of supplier and relevant buyer” – otherwise the invoice will be rejected by Sistema di Interscambio)
  • New coding concerning tax information on payments made via an F24 form
  • New descriptions for the following codes:
    • 00401 (error)
    • 00430 (error)
    • 00473 (error)
    • 00475 (error)
    • Natura N7

Those wanting to explore the new specifications in full can do so on the Italian website “Agenzia delle Entrate”.

Why have the changes been introduced?

According to the Italian government, the specifications have been introduced with “the aim of optimising the electronic invoicing process, as well as ensuring an ever higher data quality”.

The full explanation of the reasons for the update (in Italian) can be found in the document “Fatture elettroniche – Elenco aggiornamenti delle specifiche tecniche”.

What does this mean for you?

For private businesses operating in Italy, it will be necessary to use the new specifications from 1 October 2022. In particular, businesses must be wary of the updates concerning the Natura N7 and payments via an F24 form.

For businesses using an EDI as a Service solution, many of the updates – such as those relating to validations – will be handled by your provider.

Want more information?

Need a refresher on FatturaPA and Sistema di Interscambio (SdI) and how e-invoicing in Italy works? View our dedicated blog article on the subject “Sending E-Invoices with FatturaPA using Sistema di Interscambio in Italy”.


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E-invoicing in Europe: State of Play

*Mandatory fields