Fuba Automotive

EDI portal


Fuba Automotive is a manufacturer of antenna technologies, located in Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany. In order to allow for fast and reliable supply chain processes, Fuba Automotive requires its suppliers to send and receive business documents, such as dispatch advices, orders, etc. using electronic data interchange (EDI). This web page gives an overview of the supported EDI processes at Fuba Automotive and serves as a starting point for new and existing suppliers in regard to EDI.

Table of contents

EDI processes at Fuba Automotive at a glance

Fuba Automotive supports EDI processes with customers and suppliers alike. For customers Fuba Automotive adheres to the requirements of OEMs, tier suppliers, after-sales market companies, etc. In regard to its own suppliers, Fuba Automotive requires the use of EDIFACT-based EDI standards, which may be retrieved on this page. In the following, a brief introduction of the main EDI processes at Fuba Automotive is given.

Purchase Orders and Call-Offs

Depending on whether a scheduling agreement (SA) is in place between your company and Fuba Automotive, or not, you will either receive call-off messages or purchase orders.


Purchase order messages may be sent by Fuba Automotive to issue a request to a supplier, to deliver a certain amount of goods. The purchase order may be followed by a purchase order change message, in which the previously required demand or the requested shipping date is updated.

In case a scheduling agreement is in place between your company and Fuba Automotive, Fuba Automotive will periodically send out call-off messages, in which future demands for a certain material number are communicated. For selected suppliers Fuba Automotive will also issue JIT call-off messages, which refine already received call-off messages with exact delivery dates. Call-off messages may be regarded as long term forecasts of supply requirements, whereas JIT call-offs are used to communicate short-term demands.

Dispatch advice messages and shipped goods

Before the goods are shipped to Fuba Automotive, the supplier is requested to send a dispatch advice message to Fuba Automotive. The dispatch advice message contains information about the shipped goods as well as details about the packaging labels, which must be attached to all packaging items, such as pallets and boxes.

For every received dispatch advice, Fuba Automotive will return either an acknowledgement (in case the received dispatch advice was correct) or a rejection (in case the received dispatch advice was incorrect). In the latter case the supplier is requested to send a corrected dispatch advice again.

It is of utmost importance to the logistic processes of Fuba Automotive, that the dispatch advice information receives Fuba Automotive before the goods.

After the goods have been received by Fuba Automotive, Fuba Automotive will issue a receipt advice message, in which the correct receipt of goods is confirmed to the supplier.

Please note, that support for dispatch advice acknowledgement/rejection as well as the confirmation of goods received is currently being set-up and will be available soon.

Important identifiers

Fuba Automotive currently uses the following plant codes for its EDI messages.

  • Fuba Automotive Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany: DE01
  • Fuba Automotive Suzhou, China: CN01
  • Fuba Automotive Electronics LLC: MXF3

In its EDI messages the following UNB sender IDs are used by Fuba.

  • Fuba Automotive Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany: FUBAAUTOMOTIVE
  • Fuba Automotive Suzhou, China: FUBA-CN:ZZ
  • Fuba Automotive Texas, USA: FUBA-MX:ZZ
Please note, that Fuba Automotive Bad Salzdefurth does not use the ZZ qualifier.

EDI document types, MIGs, packaging labels, examples

For its EDI relations with suppliers Fuba Automotive uses EDIFACT standards based on the EDIFACT D97A standard. For the packaging labels, Fuba Automotive requires the use of ODETTE transport labels.

Used EDI standards

Purchase Order
Purchase Order Change
JIT call-off
Dispatch advice

Used label standards

Fuba Automotives requires its suppliers to attach packaging labels to the packaging items, containing the shipped goods. Thereby, Fuba Automotive uses ODETTE transport labels version 1.4.1. The ODETTE transport label standard is not publicly available, but suppliers may refer to the VDA specification, which is very similar to the ODETTE specification.

Getting started as a new supplier

If you want to get started with exchanging electronic documents with Fuba Automotive, please kindly review your current technical prerequisites. Fuba Automotive supports two options for exchanging EDI documents.

Classic EDI

You may choose this option if your IT system is capable of sending and receiving EDI documents in the formats prescribed by Fuba Automotive. In case you support different formats (e.g. VDA 4905 and VDA 4913), you may employ appropriate document mappings. Please ask the EDI service provider of Fuba Automotive or your own EDI service provider for further assistance.

For classic EDI connections, Fuba Automotive supports the following EDI protocols: OFTP2, X.400, SFTP, AS2, Plain HTTP, and RESTful Web Services. You may also use your existing VAN (e.g., GXS) – in this case an interconnection between your VAN and Fuba Automotive will be set up.

Please note, that Fuba Automotive does not set up new EDI connections based on OFTP1 as this protocol will go end of life together with ISDN very soon.


In case you do not have IT systems, which are EDI capable, Fuba Automotive offers a WebEDI system free of charge. Please get in touch with the EDI service provider of Fuba Automotive to get access.

Already have access to the WebEDI? Login under https://industry.ecosio.com

The support team of ecosio will assist you with any questions in regard to EDI with Fuba Automotive.

WebEDI training material

Suppliers, who do not have the possibility to use classic EDI, may use the WebEDI system of Fuba Automotive. Fuba Automotive offers the WebEDI to any of its suppliers free of charge. The WebEDI system allows to receive purchase orders, purchase order changes, call-off messages, and JIT call-off messages. Furthermore, a supplier may send dispatch advice messages to Fuba Automotive.

In order to use the WebEDI system of Fuba Automotive you only require a recent version of a modern Web Browser. Please check if you are using a recent version of your favorite Web Browser.

Training material

In the following you will find useful training material, which helps you to get started with using WebEDI with Fuba Automotive.

More training material, such as videos and presentations, will be added in the next few days.


In case you have any support inquiries in regard to EDI connections to Fuba Automotive, please contact the EDI service provider of Fuba Automotive.

ecosio InterCom GmbH
Leoprechtingstr. 32
81739 München
Tel.: +49 89 125 0323 60
Email: support@ecosio.com

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