
EDI in Perspective

7 minute read

ecosio Insights: The Future of the Supply Chain: EDI, RFID, and Digital Transformation

In this interview, Marcel Ducceschi, EDI Strategist at ecosio, gives an insight into how the digitalisation of the supply chain ensures efficient and competitive logistics.

8 minute read

ecosio Insights: Digital Transformation Projects and the Role of B2B Integration

ecosio Co-founder Philipp Liegl shares his thoughts about the future of EDI and the key to successful digital transformation projects

3 minute read

Can Increased Automation Build Supply Chain Resilience?

In this article we uncover why 88% of supply chain executives believe that optimising automated B2B processes can improve supply chain resilience.

5 minute read

The Future of Supply Chains: Expert Insights

Looking for clarity regarding B2B integration and the future of supply chains? In this article our experts share four major predictions.

10 minute read

EDI vs API: A Battle of Brothers

In recent years many have suggested that API may eliminate the need for EDI. But is this really true? And are they really rivals?

7 minute read

EDI Interfaces Explained

Find out how EDI interfaces work, what benefits they bring, and what separates a good EDI interface from a great one!

6 minute read

Expert Perspective ā€” Christoph Ebm: EDI Post-Covid

In this insightful interview, ecosio CEO Christoph Ebm shares his thoughts on supply chain resilience and what the future holds for EDI.

5 minute read

How EDI Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Implementing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) can have a profound effect on your businessā€™s carbon footprint. Read our article to find out how!

10 minute read

A Brief Introduction to Modern EDI Systems

Are you aware of what modern EDI systems can offer? In this article we explore the recent trend towards fully managed solutions.

4 minute read

The Five Top EDI Trends: Expert Forecast

In this article we explore five current EDI trends and the extent to which they reflect the future of EDI more widely.

20 minute read

The Future of EDI

Debunking the myths and building a realistic picture of what the next decade will bring for B2B integration.

5 minute read

What is Electronic Data Interchange and What Are its Benefits?

Automating business processes profits the development of modern businesses. But how does B2B integration via EDI profit your daily operations?

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