Wie können Sie Ihre XML-Dokumente validieren?
Mit unserem Online-Tool validieren Sie blitzschnell Peppol– und XML-Dokumente – einschließlich E-Rechnungen wie XRechnung im deutschen Format. Der XML-Validator
unterstützt zahlreiche gesetzlich vorgeschriebene und optionale Formate. Einfach das Regelwerk (Rule-Set) auswählen, XML-Dokument hochladen und verifizieren!
Welche XML-Dokumente kann ich mit dem XML-Validator validieren?
Unser Online-Tool kann Ihre Peppol- und XML-Dokumente gegen alle weltweit gängigen XML-Schemata validieren, darunter:
- EN 16931
- UBL-Typen
- OpenPEPPOL-Formate
- CII Cross Industry Invoice
- und mehr
Wie integrieren Sie XML-Verifikation in Ihre IT-Umgebung?
Nutzen Sie unseren Peppol- und XML-Validator als RESTful-Web-Service. Kontaktieren Sie uns für mehr Informationen!
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Welche Regelwerke (Rule-Sets) unterstützt der XML-Validator?
Eine umfangreiche Liste aller unterstützten Rule-Sets finden Sie unten (Hinweis: Es sind viele!). Testen Sie den XML-Validator jetzt und finden Sie aus der folgenden Liste Ihre bevorzugten Rule-Sets.
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.10
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.11
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.12
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.2
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.3
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.4
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.5
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.6
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.7
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.8
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.9
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.10
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.11
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.12
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.2
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.3
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.4
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.5
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.6
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.7
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.8
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.9
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.10
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.11
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.12
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.3
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.4
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.5
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.6
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.7
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.8
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.9
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.1
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.10
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.11
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.12
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.2
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.3
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.4
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.5
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.6
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.7
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.8
- A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.9
- AGID Peppol Credit Note (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
- AGID Peppol Credit Note (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
- AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (2.2.9) (for BIS 3.0.6)
- AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
- AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
- AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
- AGID Peppol Invoice (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
- AGID Peppol Invoice (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
- AGID Peppol Invoice (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
- AGID Peppol Order (2.2.9) (for BIS 3.0.6)
- AGID Peppol Order (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
- AGID Peppol Order (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
- AGID Peppol Order (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
- AGID Peppol Order Agreement (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
- AGID Peppol Order Agreement (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
- AGID Peppol Order Agreement (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
- AGID Peppol Order Response (2.2.9) (for BIS 3.0.6)
- AGID Peppol Order Response (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
- AGID Peppol Order Response (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
- AGID Peppol Order Response (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
- CII CrossIndustryInvoice D16B
- CIUS-PT UBL Credit Note 2
- CIUS-PT UBL Credit Note 2.1.1
- CIUS-PT UBL Invoice 2
- CIUS-PT UBL Invoice 2.1.1
- CIUS-RO UBL Credit Note 1.0.3
- CIUS-RO UBL Credit Note 1.0.4
- CIUS-RO UBL Credit Note 1.0.8
- CIUS-RO UBL Credit Note 1.0.9
- CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.3
- CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.4
- CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.8
- CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.9
- ebInterface 3.0
- ebInterface 3.0.2
- ebInterface 4.0
- ebInterface 4.1
- ebInterface 4.2
- ebInterface 4.3
- ebInterface 5.0
- ebInterface 6.0
- ebInterface 6.1
- EHF Advanced Order Cancellation 3
- EHF Advanced Order Cancellation 3.0.3
- EHF Advanced Order Change 3
- EHF Advanced Order Change 3.0.3
- EHF Advanced Order Initiation 3
- EHF Advanced Order Initiation 3.0.3
- EHF Advanced Order Response 3
- EHF Advanced Order Response 3.0.3
- EHF Catalogue 1.0.13
- EHF Catalogue 1.0.14
- EHF Catalogue 1.0.15
- EHF Catalogue 3
- EHF Catalogue 3.0.3
- EHF Catalogue Response 1.0.13
- EHF Catalogue Response 1.0.14
- EHF Catalogue Response 1.0.15
- EHF Catalogue Response 3
- EHF Catalogue Response 3.0.3
- EHF Creditnote 2.0.15
- EHF Creditnote 2.0.16
- EHF Creditnote 2.0.17
- EHF Despatch Advice 1.0.10
- EHF Despatch Advice 1.0.11
- EHF Despatch Advice 1.0.12
- EHF Despatch Advice 3
- EHF Despatch Advice 3.0.2
- EHF Forward Billing Credit Note 3.0.1
- EHF Forward Billing Credit Note 3.0.3
- EHF Forward Billing Invoice 3.0.1
- EHF Forward Billing Invoice 3.0.3
- EHF Invoice 2.0.15
- EHF Invoice 2.0.16
- EHF Invoice 2.0.17
- EHF Order 3
- EHF Order 3.0.3
- EHF Order Agreement 1.0.2
- EHF Order Agreement 1.0.3
- EHF Order Agreement 1.0.4
- EHF Order Agreement 3
- EHF Order Agreement 3.0.3
- EHF Order Response 1.0.11
- EHF Order Response 1.0.12
- EHF Order Response 1.0.13
- EHF Order Response 3
- EHF Order Response 3.0.3
- EHF Ordering 1.0.11
- EHF Ordering 1.0.12
- EHF Ordering 1.0.13
- EHF Payment Request 3
- EHF Payment Request 3.0.2
- EHF Punch Out 1.0.1
- EHF Punch Out 1.0.2
- EHF Punch Out 1.0.3
- EHF Punch Out 3
- EHF Punch Out 3.0.3
- EHF Reminder 1.1
- EHF Reminder 3
- EHF Reminder 3.0.3
- EN 16931 CII 1
- EN 16931 CII 1.1
- EN 16931 CII 1.2
- EN 16931 CII 1.2.1
- EN 16931 CII 1.2.3
- EN 16931 CII 1.3
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.1
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.10
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.11
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.12
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.13
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.2
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.3
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.4
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.5
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.6
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.6-a
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.7
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.8
- EN 16931 CII 1.3.9
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.1
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.2
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.2.1
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.2.3
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.1
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.10
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.11
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.12
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.13
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.2
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.3
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.4
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.5
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.6
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.6-a
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.7
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.8
- EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.9
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.1
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.2
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.2.1
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.2.3
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.1
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.10
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.11
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.12
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.13
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.2
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.3
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.4
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.5
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.6
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.6-a
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.7
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.8
- EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.9
- Energie eFactuur 1
- Energie eFactuur 1.0.1
- Energie eFactuur 2
- Energie eFactuur 3
- Energie eFactuur 3.1
- Factur-X 1.0.3 (BASIC WL)
- Factur-X 1.0.3 (BASIC)
- Factur-X 1.0.3 (EN 16931)
- Factur-X 1.0.3 (EXTENDED)
- Factur-X 1.0.3 (MINIMUM)
- Factur-X 1.0.5 (BASIC WL)
- Factur-X 1.0.5 (BASIC)
- Factur-X 1.0.5 (EN 16931)
- Factur-X 1.0.5 (EXTENDED)
- Factur-X 1.0.5 (MINIMUM)
- Factur-X 1.0.6 (BASIC WL)
- Factur-X 1.0.6 (BASIC)
- Factur-X 1.0.6 (EN 16931)
- Factur-X 1.0.6 (EXTENDED)
- Factur-X 1.0.6 (MINIMUM)
- Factur-X 1.0.7-2 (BASIC WL)
- Factur-X 1.0.7-2 (BASIC)
- Factur-X 1.0.7-2 (EN 16931)
- Factur-X 1.0.7-2 (EXTENDED)
- Factur-X 1.0.7-2 (MINIMUM)
- Facturae 3
- Facturae 3.1
- Facturae 3.2
- Facturae 3.2.1
- Facturae 3.2.2
- fatturaPA 1.2
- fatturaPA 1.2.1
- fatturaPA 1.2.2
- Finvoice 1.3
- Finvoice 2
- Finvoice 2.0.1
- Finvoice 3
- ISDOC 6.0.1
- ISDOC 6.0.2
- NLCIUS-CII 1.0.3
- OIOUBL Application Response 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Application Response 1.13
- OIOUBL Application Response 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Application Response 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Catalogue 1.13
- OIOUBL Catalogue 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.13
- OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.13
- OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.13
- OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.13
- OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Credit Note 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Credit Note 1.13
- OIOUBL Credit Note 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Credit Note 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Credit Note 3.0.1
- OIOUBL Invoice 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Invoice 1.13
- OIOUBL Invoice 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Invoice 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Invoice 3.0.1
- OIOUBL Invoice Response 3.0.1
- OIOUBL Message Level Response 3.0.1
- OIOUBL Order 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Order 1.13
- OIOUBL Order 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Order 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.13
- OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Order Change 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Order Change 1.13
- OIOUBL Order Change 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Order Change 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Order Response 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Order Response 1.13
- OIOUBL Order Response 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Order Response 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.13
- OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Reminder 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Reminder 1.13
- OIOUBL Reminder 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Reminder 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Statement 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Statement 1.13
- OIOUBL Statement 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Statement 1.14.2
- OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.12.3
- OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.13
- OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.13.2
- OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.14.2
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol CII Invoice (3.14.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol CII Invoice (3.15.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.10.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.10.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.11.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.11.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.12.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.13.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Invoice (3.10.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Invoice (3.10.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Invoice (3.11.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Invoice (3.11.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Invoice (3.12.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Invoice (3.13.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol MLR (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol MLR (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol MLR (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol MLR (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol MLR (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Order (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Order (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Order (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Order (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Order (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Order Change (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Order Change (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Order Change (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Order Change (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Order Response (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.0
- OpenPeppol PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.1
- OpenPeppol PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.2
- OpenPeppol PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.0
- OpenPeppol PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.1
- OpenPeppol PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (2024.11) (aka BIS 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.6)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
- OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
- OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2023.11) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.16)
- OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2023.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.15)
- OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2024.11) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.18)
- OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2024.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.17)
- OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (3.14.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (3.15.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.14)
- OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2023.11) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.16)
- OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2023.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.15)
- OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2024.11) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.18)
- OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2024.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.17)
- OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (3.14.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.13)
- OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (3.15.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.14)
- Peppol Directory BusinessCard v1
- Peppol Directory BusinessCard v2
- Peppol Directory BusinessCard v3
- Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.4
- Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.5
- Peppol PINT A-NZ Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT A-NZ Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT A-NZ Invoice (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT A-NZ Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT Japan Credit Note (UBL) 0.1.2
- Peppol PINT Japan Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.2
- Peppol PINT Japan Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.3
- Peppol PINT Japan Credit Note for Non-tax Registered Businesses (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT Japan Invoice (UBL) 0.1.2
- Peppol PINT Japan Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
- Peppol PINT Japan Invoice (UBL) 1.0.3
- Peppol PINT Japan Invoice for Non-tax Registered Businesses (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT Japan Self Billing Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT Japan Self Billing Invoice (UBL) 1.0.1
- Peppol PINT Malaysia Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.0
- Peppol PINT Malaysia Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.0
- Peppol PINT Malaysia Invoice (UBL) 1.0.0
- Peppol PINT Malaysia Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.0
- Peppol PINT Singapore Credit Note (UBL) 1.1.0
- Peppol PINT Singapore Invoice (UBL) 1.1.0
- Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.4
- Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.5
- SETU Timcard 1.4
- SG Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.0
- SG Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.2
- SG Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.3
- SG Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 2023.12
- SG Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 2023.7
- SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.0
- SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
- SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.3
- SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 2023.12
- SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 2023.7
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.1
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.10
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.2
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.3
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.4
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.5
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.6
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.7
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.8
- Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.9
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note 2.0
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note 2.0.1
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note 2.0.2
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note 2.0.3
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.0
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.1
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.2
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.2.3
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.2.4
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0.1
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0.2
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0.3
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Invoice
- Simplerinvoicing Order 1.2
- Simplerinvoicing Order 1.2.3
- Simplerinvoicing Order 1.2.4
- SvefakturaXML 1
- SvefakturaXML ObjectEnvelope 1
- UBL Application Response 2.0
- UBL Application Response 2.1
- UBL Application Response 2.2
- UBL Application Response 2.3
- UBL Application Response 2.4
- UBL Attached Document 2.0
- UBL Attached Document 2.1
- UBL Attached Document 2.2
- UBL Attached Document 2.3
- UBL Attached Document 2.4
- UBL Awarded Notification 2.1
- UBL Awarded Notification 2.2
- UBL Awarded Notification 2.3
- UBL Awarded Notification 2.4
- UBL Bill Of Lading 2.0
- UBL Bill Of Lading 2.1
- UBL Bill Of Lading 2.2
- UBL Bill Of Lading 2.3
- UBL Bill Of Lading 2.4
- UBL Business Card 2.2
- UBL Business Card 2.3
- UBL Business Card 2.4
- UBL Business Information 2.4
- UBL Call For Tenders 2.1
- UBL Call For Tenders 2.2
- UBL Call For Tenders 2.3
- UBL Call For Tenders 2.4
- UBL Catalogue 2.0
- UBL Catalogue 2.1
- UBL Catalogue 2.2
- UBL Catalogue 2.3
- UBL Catalogue 2.4
- UBL Catalogue Deletion 2.0
- UBL Catalogue Deletion 2.1
- UBL Catalogue Deletion 2.2
- UBL Catalogue Deletion 2.3
- UBL Catalogue Deletion 2.4
- UBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 2.0
- UBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 2.1
- UBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 2.2
- UBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 2.3
- UBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 2.4
- UBL Catalogue Pricing Update 2.0
- UBL Catalogue Pricing Update 2.1
- UBL Catalogue Pricing Update 2.2
- UBL Catalogue Pricing Update 2.3
- UBL Catalogue Pricing Update 2.4
- UBL Catalogue Request 2.0
- UBL Catalogue Request 2.1
- UBL Catalogue Request 2.2
- UBL Catalogue Request 2.3
- UBL Catalogue Request 2.4
- UBL Certificate Of Origin 2.0
- UBL Certificate Of Origin 2.1
- UBL Certificate Of Origin 2.2
- UBL Certificate Of Origin 2.3
- UBL Certificate Of Origin 2.4
- UBL Common Transportation Report 2.3
- UBL Common Transportation Report 2.4
- UBL Contract Award Notice 2.1
- UBL Contract Award Notice 2.2
- UBL Contract Award Notice 2.3
- UBL Contract Award Notice 2.4
- UBL Contract Notice 2.1
- UBL Contract Notice 2.2
- UBL Contract Notice 2.3
- UBL Contract Notice 2.4
- UBL Credit Note 2.0
- UBL Credit Note 2.1
- UBL Credit Note 2.2
- UBL Credit Note 2.3
- UBL Credit Note 2.4
- UBL Debit Note 2.0
- UBL Debit Note 2.1
- UBL Debit Note 2.2
- UBL Debit Note 2.3
- UBL Debit Note 2.4
- UBL Despatch Advice 2.0
- UBL Despatch Advice 2.1
- UBL Despatch Advice 2.2
- UBL Despatch Advice 2.3
- UBL Despatch Advice 2.4
- UBL Digital Agreement 2.2
- UBL Digital Agreement 2.3
- UBL Digital Agreement 2.4
- UBL Digital Capability 2.2
- UBL Digital Capability 2.3
- UBL Digital Capability 2.4
- UBL Document Status 2.1
- UBL Document Status 2.2
- UBL Document Status 2.3
- UBL Document Status 2.4
- UBL Document Status Request 2.1
- UBL Document Status Request 2.2
- UBL Document Status Request 2.3
- UBL Document Status Request 2.4
- UBL Enquiry 2.2
- UBL Enquiry 2.3
- UBL Enquiry 2.4
- UBL Enquiry Response 2.2
- UBL Enquiry Response 2.3
- UBL Enquiry Response 2.4
- UBL Exception Criteria 2.1
- UBL Exception Criteria 2.2
- UBL Exception Criteria 2.3
- UBL Exception Criteria 2.4
- UBL Exception Notification 2.1
- UBL Exception Notification 2.2
- UBL Exception Notification 2.3
- UBL Exception Notification 2.4
- UBL Export Customs Declaration 2.3
- UBL Export Customs Declaration 2.4
- UBL Expression Of Interest Request 2.2
- UBL Expression Of Interest Request 2.3
- UBL Expression Of Interest Request 2.4
- UBL Expression Of Interest Response 2.2
- UBL Expression Of Interest Response 2.3
- UBL Expression Of Interest Response 2.4
- UBL Forecast 2.1
- UBL Forecast 2.2
- UBL Forecast 2.3
- UBL Forecast 2.4
- UBL Forecast Revision 2.1
- UBL Forecast Revision 2.2
- UBL Forecast Revision 2.3
- UBL Forecast Revision 2.4
- UBL Forwarding Instructions 2.0
- UBL Forwarding Instructions 2.1
- UBL Forwarding Instructions 2.2
- UBL Forwarding Instructions 2.3
- UBL Forwarding Instructions 2.4
- UBL Freight Invoice 2.0
- UBL Freight Invoice 2.1
- UBL Freight Invoice 2.2
- UBL Freight Invoice 2.3
- UBL Freight Invoice 2.4
- UBL Fulfilment Cancellation 2.1
- UBL Fulfilment Cancellation 2.2
- UBL Fulfilment Cancellation 2.3
- UBL Fulfilment Cancellation 2.4
- UBL Goods Certificate 2.3
- UBL Goods Certificate 2.4
- UBL Goods Item Itinerary 2.1
- UBL Goods Item Itinerary 2.2
- UBL Goods Item Itinerary 2.3
- UBL Goods Item Itinerary 2.4
- UBL Goods Item Passport 2.3
- UBL Goods Item Passport 2.4
- UBL Guarantee Certificate 2.1
- UBL Guarantee Certificate 2.2
- UBL Guarantee Certificate 2.3
- UBL Guarantee Certificate 2.4
- UBL Import Customs Declaration 2.3
- UBL Import Customs Declaration 2.4
- UBL Instruction For Returns 2.1
- UBL Instruction For Returns 2.2
- UBL Instruction For Returns 2.3
- UBL Instruction For Returns 2.4
- UBL Inventory Report 2.1
- UBL Inventory Report 2.2
- UBL Inventory Report 2.3
- UBL Inventory Report 2.4
- UBL Invoice 2.0
- UBL Invoice 2.1
- UBL Invoice 2.2
- UBL Invoice 2.3
- UBL Invoice 2.4
- UBL Item Information Request 2.1
- UBL Item Information Request 2.2
- UBL Item Information Request 2.3
- UBL Item Information Request 2.4
- UBL Manifest 2.3
- UBL Manifest 2.4
- UBL Order 2.0
- UBL Order 2.1
- UBL Order 2.2
- UBL Order 2.3
- UBL Order 2.4
- UBL Order Cancellation 2.0
- UBL Order Cancellation 2.1
- UBL Order Cancellation 2.2
- UBL Order Cancellation 2.3
- UBL Order Cancellation 2.4
- UBL Order Change 2.0
- UBL Order Change 2.1
- UBL Order Change 2.2
- UBL Order Change 2.3
- UBL Order Change 2.4
- UBL Order Response 2.0
- UBL Order Response 2.1
- UBL Order Response 2.2
- UBL Order Response 2.3
- UBL Order Response 2.4
- UBL Order Response Simple 2.0
- UBL Order Response Simple 2.1
- UBL Order Response Simple 2.2
- UBL Order Response Simple 2.3
- UBL Order Response Simple 2.4
- UBL Packing List 2.0
- UBL Packing List 2.1
- UBL Packing List 2.2
- UBL Packing List 2.3
- UBL Packing List 2.4
- UBL Prior Information Notice 2.1
- UBL Prior Information Notice 2.2
- UBL Prior Information Notice 2.3
- UBL Prior Information Notice 2.4
- UBL Product Activity 2.1
- UBL Product Activity 2.2
- UBL Product Activity 2.3
- UBL Product Activity 2.4
- UBL Proof Of Reexportation 2.3
- UBL Proof Of Reexportation 2.4
- UBL Proof Of Reexportation Reminder 2.3
- UBL Proof Of Reexportation Reminder 2.4
- UBL Proof Of Reexportation Request 2.3
- UBL Proof Of Reexportation Request 2.4
- UBL Purchase Receipt 2.4
- UBL Qualification Application Request 2.2
- UBL Qualification Application Request 2.3
- UBL Qualification Application Request 2.4
- UBL Qualification Application Response 2.2
- UBL Qualification Application Response 2.3
- UBL Qualification Application Response 2.4
- UBL Quotation 2.0
- UBL Quotation 2.1
- UBL Quotation 2.2
- UBL Quotation 2.3
- UBL Quotation 2.4
- UBL Receipt Advice 2.0
- UBL Receipt Advice 2.1
- UBL Receipt Advice 2.2
- UBL Receipt Advice 2.3
- UBL Receipt Advice 2.4
- UBL Reminder 2.0
- UBL Reminder 2.1
- UBL Reminder 2.2
- UBL Reminder 2.3
- UBL Reminder 2.4
- UBL Remittance Advice 2.0
- UBL Remittance Advice 2.1
- UBL Remittance Advice 2.2
- UBL Remittance Advice 2.3
- UBL Remittance Advice 2.4
- UBL Request For Quotation 2.0
- UBL Request For Quotation 2.1
- UBL Request For Quotation 2.2
- UBL Request For Quotation 2.3
- UBL Request For Quotation 2.4
- UBL Retail Event 2.1
- UBL Retail Event 2.2
- UBL Retail Event 2.3
- UBL Retail Event 2.4
- UBL Self Billed Credit Note 2.0
- UBL Self Billed Credit Note 2.1
- UBL Self Billed Credit Note 2.2
- UBL Self Billed Credit Note 2.3
- UBL Self Billed Credit Note 2.4
- UBL Self Billed Invoice 2.0
- UBL Self Billed Invoice 2.1
- UBL Self Billed Invoice 2.2
- UBL Self Billed Invoice 2.3
- UBL Self Billed Invoice 2.4
- UBL Statement 2.0
- UBL Statement 2.1
- UBL Statement 2.2
- UBL Statement 2.3
- UBL Statement 2.4
- UBL Stock Availability Report 2.1
- UBL Stock Availability Report 2.2
- UBL Stock Availability Report 2.3
- UBL Stock Availability Report 2.4
- UBL Tender 2.1
- UBL Tender 2.2
- UBL Tender 2.3
- UBL Tender 2.4
- UBL Tender Contract 2.2
- UBL Tender Contract 2.3
- UBL Tender Contract 2.4
- UBL Tender Receipt 2.1
- UBL Tender Receipt 2.2
- UBL Tender Receipt 2.3
- UBL Tender Receipt 2.4
- UBL Tender Status 2.2
- UBL Tender Status 2.3
- UBL Tender Status 2.4
- UBL Tender Status Request 2.2
- UBL Tender Status Request 2.3
- UBL Tender Status Request 2.4
- UBL Tender Withdrawal 2.2
- UBL Tender Withdrawal 2.3
- UBL Tender Withdrawal 2.4
- UBL Tenderer Qualification 2.1
- UBL Tenderer Qualification 2.2
- UBL Tenderer Qualification 2.3
- UBL Tenderer Qualification 2.4
- UBL Tenderer Qualification Response 2.1
- UBL Tenderer Qualification Response 2.2
- UBL Tenderer Qualification Response 2.3
- UBL Tenderer Qualification Response 2.4
- UBL Trade Item Location Profile 2.1
- UBL Trade Item Location Profile 2.2
- UBL Trade Item Location Profile 2.3
- UBL Trade Item Location Profile 2.4
- UBL Transit Customs Declaration 2.3
- UBL Transit Customs Declaration 2.4
- UBL Transport Execution Plan 2.1
- UBL Transport Execution Plan 2.2
- UBL Transport Execution Plan 2.3
- UBL Transport Execution Plan 2.4
- UBL Transport Execution Plan Request 2.1
- UBL Transport Execution Plan Request 2.2
- UBL Transport Execution Plan Request 2.3
- UBL Transport Execution Plan Request 2.4
- UBL Transport Progress Status 2.1
- UBL Transport Progress Status 2.2
- UBL Transport Progress Status 2.3
- UBL Transport Progress Status 2.4
- UBL Transport Progress Status Request 2.1
- UBL Transport Progress Status Request 2.2
- UBL Transport Progress Status Request 2.3
- UBL Transport Progress Status Request 2.4
- UBL Transport Service Description 2.1
- UBL Transport Service Description 2.2
- UBL Transport Service Description 2.3
- UBL Transport Service Description 2.4
- UBL Transport Service Description Request 2.1
- UBL Transport Service Description Request 2.2
- UBL Transport Service Description Request 2.3
- UBL Transport Service Description Request 2.4
- UBL Transportation Status 2.0
- UBL Transportation Status 2.1
- UBL Transportation Status 2.2
- UBL Transportation Status 2.3
- UBL Transportation Status 2.4
- UBL Transportation Status Request 2.1
- UBL Transportation Status Request 2.2
- UBL Transportation Status Request 2.3
- UBL Transportation Status Request 2.4
- UBL Unawarded Notification 2.1
- UBL Unawarded Notification 2.2
- UBL Unawarded Notification 2.3
- UBL Unawarded Notification 2.4
- UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Request 2.2
- UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Request 2.3
- UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Request 2.4
- UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Response 2.2
- UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Response 2.3
- UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Response 2.4
- UBL Utility Statement 2.1
- UBL Utility Statement 2.2
- UBL Utility Statement 2.3
- UBL Utility Statement 2.4
- UBL Waybill 2.0
- UBL Waybill 2.1
- UBL Waybill 2.2
- UBL Waybill 2.3
- UBL Waybill 2.4
- UBL Weight Statement 2.2
- UBL Weight Statement 2.3
- UBL Weight Statement 2.4
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.1
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.3
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.5
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.6
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.7
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.8
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.9
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.30
- UBL.BE Credit Note 1.31
- UBL.BE Invoice 1
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.1
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.3
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.5
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.6
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.7
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.8
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.9
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.30
- UBL.BE Invoice 1.31
- XRechnung CII 1.2
- XRechnung CII 1.2.1
- XRechnung CII 1.2.2
- XRechnung CII 2
- XRechnung CII 2.0.1
- XRechnung CII 2.1.1
- XRechnung CII 2.2
- XRechnung CII 2.2 Extension
- XRechnung CII 2.3.1
- XRechnung CII 2.3.1Extension
- XRechnung CII 3
- XRechnung CII 3 Extension
- XRechnung CII 3.0.1
- XRechnung CII 3.0.1 Extension
- XRechnung CII 3.0.2
- XRechnung CII 3.0.2 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 1.2
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 1.2.1
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 1.2.2
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 2
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 2.0.1
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 2.1.1
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 2.2
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 2.3.1
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 3
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 3.0.1
- XRechnung UBL Credit Note 3.0.2
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 1.2
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 1.2.1
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 1.2.2
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.0.1
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.0.1 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.1.1
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.1.1 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.2
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.2 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.3.1
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.3.1 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 3
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 3 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 3.0.1
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 3.0.1 Extension
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 3.0.2
- XRechnung UBL Invoice 3.0.2 Extension
- ZUGFeRD 2.0.1 (BASIC WL)
- ZUGFeRD 2.0.1 (BASIC)
- ZUGFeRD 2.0.1 (EN 16931)
- ZUGFeRD 2.1 (EN 16931)
- ZUGFeRD 2.2 (EN 16931)
- ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 (BASIC WL)
- ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 (BASIC)
- ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 (EN 16931)